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- /*
- ——————————————————————————————
- My Window Definition Procedure
- ——————————————————————————————
- This is that odd window.
- ————————
- 89/04/20
- ————————
- 1.0 89/03/31 First draft based on clock window def proc (+A5 games ).
- 89/04/05 Fixed problem with zoom box hilite
- 89/04/06 Fixed zooming
- 89/04/07 Minor changes in draw, chose from two gray patterns
- to avoid odd mismatches in window dragged onscreen
- from offscreen, added proper plainDBox & altDBoxProc
- variations, special cased zero width titles.
- 1.1 89/04/09 Odd half erased scroll bar startup MPW adjusted
- [see DrawMyGrowIcon()]
- 1.2 89/04/09 Fixed problem with userState updates. Working on colors!
- 89/04/11 Changed size box to chevrons.
- 89/04/12 Made sure inGrow only returned on hilited windows.
- 89/04/20 Added Apples screenBits workaround and scroll area
- to grow image.
- 2.0 89/11/10 Finished color additions and cleaned up other
- assorted bugs. JNP
- Changes made by Josh Pritikin ( 11.10.89 ):
- 1. In CalculateMyWindow I added a test to see if we have a color window.
- 2. I removed the ugly StuffHex calls and speeded the pattern packing up.
- 3. I added a gunk of code and special casing to totally support ColorQD!
- 4. The code is admitably gross in some (most) places but it works and should
- serve as an example of what not to make your code look like.
- GEnie: J.Pritikin
- AppleLink: D4991 ( <- this will change soon )
- Internet: 6500stom@ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu
- 3.0 93/03/22 Updated for full color support. Rewrote code for Think C 5.x.
- Changes made by Anthony D. Saxton ( 2/26/93 ):
- 1. Rewrote code throughout for more efficient use of Think C 5.x.
- 2. Added Color button Icons for 2, 4 and 8 bit modes.
- 3. Added support for colorized windows as well as Apples "Color" cdev.
- 4. Added support for ALL documented window types & frames for the others!
- 5. Corrected Icon bug and added 3D movement!
- 6. Corrected GoAway button presence in movable dialog windows.
- 3.1 93/04/13 Corrected some memory wasting code.
- Converted the Icon Color Table to a global.
- Corrected Colors in 2-bit mode.
- The Copyright Notice in “CopyRight()” Is Not To Be Removed! Use Of This Code In
- Commercial Software By License Only. Contact Anthony D. Saxton, Of Elenay™ Creations
- For Licensing Information. Use Of This Code In FreeWare, Requires Only Contact Of
- Elenay™ Creations. This Copyright Applies To All Code Segments Of This WDEF.
- All Changes Are Copyright ©1993, by Elenay Creations
- 5686 Big Sea Street
- Las Vegas, NV, USA
- 89110
- (702) 453-0270
- AOL: Elenay
- Internet: elenay_creations@tcs.las-vegas.nv.us
- —————————————————————————————————————————————————
- Public Domain 1989 by Appropriate Technology
- —————————————————————————————————————————————————
- Changes - Copyright ©1993 by Elenay™ Creations
- —————————————————————————————————————————————————
- Please send a copy of changes/improvements to:
- Eric Celeste, Appropriate Technology, 358 North Parkview, Columbus, OH 43209, USA.
- CompuServe: 76146,724. MacNET: Celeste.
- ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
- Note: This WDEF is coded in THINK C 5.0.3 from Think Technologies
- ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
- */
- #include "NeXT wdef.h"
- pascal long main( int variation, WindowPtr window, int message, long parameter )
- {
- long result = 0L; /* the return code for the function */
- THz saveZone;
- saveZone = GetZone();
- if ( MFRunning() )
- SetZone( SystemZone() );
- switch( message )
- {
- case( wDraw ):
- DrawMyWindow( variation, window, parameter );
- break;
- case( wHit ):
- result = HitMyWindow( variation, window, parameter );
- break;
- case( wCalcRgns ):
- CalculateMyWindow( variation, window, parameter );
- break;
- case( wNew ):
- SetupWindow( variation, window, parameter );
- break;
- case( wDispose ):
- KillWindow( variation, window, parameter );
- break;
- case( wGrow ):
- GrowMyWindow( variation, window, parameter );
- break;
- case( wDrawGIcon ):
- DrawMyGrowIcon( variation, window, parameter );
- break;
- }
- SetZone( saveZone );
- return( result );
- }
- /*————————————————————
- is MultiFinder Running?
- ————————————————————*/
- Boolean MFRunning()
- {
- Boolean result;
- SysEnvRec theWorld;
- result = false;
- if ( !SysEnvirons( 1, &theWorld ) )
- result = ( theWorld.machineType >= 0 ) &&
- ( NGetTrapAddress( OSDispatchTrapNum, ToolTrap ) !=
- NGetTrapAddress( UnImplTrapNum, ToolTrap ) );
- return( result );
- }
- /*————————————————————
- create an RGB gray of this brightness.
- ————————————————————*/
- RGBColor PackGray( int brightness )
- {
- RGBColor gray;
- gray.red = gray.green = gray.blue = brightness;
- return gray;
- }
- /*————————————————————
- where was my window hit?
- ————————————————————*/
- long HitMyWindow( int variation, WindowPtr window, long parameter )
- {
- Point hitLocation;
- long result;
- result = wNoHit;
- SetPt( &hitLocation, LoWord( parameter ), HiWord( parameter ) );
- if ( PtInRgn( hitLocation, theWindow.strucRgn ) )
- {
- Rect windowRect,
- thisRect;
- windowRect = (**theWindow.strucRgn).rgnBBox;
- if ( PtInRgn( hitLocation, theWindow.contRgn ) )
- {
- result = wInContent; /* in the content region */
- if ( theWindow.hilited )
- if ( (variation & 7) == documentProc )
- {
- SetRect( &thisRect,
- windowRect.right - 17,
- windowRect.bottom - 17,
- windowRect.right - 3,
- windowRect.bottom - 3
- );
- if ( PtInRect( hitLocation, &thisRect ) )
- result = wInGrow;
- }
- } else
- {
- switch( variation & 7 )
- {
- case( documentProc ):
- case( noGrowDocProc ):
- case( movableDBoxProc ):
- result = wInDrag; /* in the drag area unless */
- if ( theWindow.hilited )
- {
- if ( theWindow.goAwayFlag && variation != movableDBoxProc )
- {
- SetRect( &thisRect,
- windowRect.left + 5,
- windowRect.top + 5,
- windowRect.left + 18,
- windowRect.top + 18
- );
- if ( PtInRect( hitLocation, &thisRect ) )
- result = wInGoAway;
- }
- if ( result == wInDrag && theWindow.zoomFlag )
- {
- SetRect( &thisRect,
- windowRect.right - 17,
- windowRect.top + 5,
- windowRect.right - 4,
- windowRect.top + 18
- );
- if ( PtInRect( hitLocation, &thisRect ) && theWindow.dataHandle )
- {
- thisRect = (**theWindow.contRgn).rgnBBox;
- if ( EqualRect ( &(wDataHandle.stdState), &thisRect ) )
- result = wInZoomIn;
- else
- {
- wDataHandle.userState = thisRect;
- result = wInZoomOut;
- }
- } /* in the zoom box */
- } /* still dragging & zoomable */
- } /* a hilited window */
- /* Uncomment this routine for "Apple's specs" operation !
- if ( result == wInDrag )
- {
- thisRect = windowRect;
- thisRect.top = (**theWindow.contRgn).rgnBBox.top;
- if ( PtInRect( hitLocation, &thisRect ) )
- result = wNoHit; // according to Apple's specs
- // result = wInContent; // alternate result
- } // below title bar
- */
- break;
- } /* a moveable window */
- } /* else not in content region */
- } /* in the structure region */
- return( result );
- } /* end of HitMyWindow() */
- /*————————————————————
- calculate the regions of my window
- ————————————————————*/
- CalculateMyWindow( int variation, WindowPtr window, long parameter )
- {
- Rect windowRect;
- windowRect = window->portRect;
- /* a fix for CWindowRecords */
- if( window->portBits.rowBytes < colorWindow ) /* Color Window? */
- OffsetRect( &windowRect, -window->portBits.bounds.left, -window->portBits.bounds.top );
- else
- {
- Rect portR;
- portR = (**(*(CWindowPtr)window).portPixMap).bounds;
- OffsetRect( &windowRect,-portR.left, -portR.top );
- }
- RectRgn( theWindow.contRgn, &windowRect );
- if ( (variation & 8) && !EqualRect( &(wDataHandle.stdState),&windowRect ) )
- wDataHandle.userState = windowRect;
- switch ( variation & 7 )
- {
- case ( documentProc ): /* a regular window */
- case ( noGrowDocProc ): /* a regular window with no growing */
- case ( movableDBoxProc ): /* a moveable dialog with no growing or close*/
- OpenRgn();
- InsetRect( &windowRect, -4, -4 );
- windowRect.top -= 16; /* add room for the title bar */
- MoveTo( windowRect.left, windowRect.top );
- LineTo( windowRect.left, windowRect.bottom-2 );
- LineTo( windowRect.left+2, windowRect.bottom );
- LineTo( windowRect.right, windowRect.bottom );
- LineTo( windowRect.right, windowRect.top+2 );
- LineTo( windowRect.right-2, windowRect.top );
- LineTo( windowRect.left, windowRect.top );
- CloseRgn( theWindow.strucRgn );
- break;
- case ( dBoxProc ): /* dialog box variation */
- OpenRgn();
- InsetRect( &windowRect, -8, -8 );
- MoveTo( windowRect.left, windowRect.top );
- LineTo( windowRect.left, windowRect.bottom-2 );
- LineTo( windowRect.left+2, windowRect.bottom );
- LineTo( windowRect.right, windowRect.bottom );
- LineTo( windowRect.right, windowRect.top+2 );
- LineTo( windowRect.right-2, windowRect.top );
- LineTo( windowRect.left, windowRect.top );
- CloseRgn( theWindow.strucRgn );
- break;
- case ( altDBoxProc ): /* shadow box variation */
- case ( altDBoxProc + 4 ): /* remain consistant W/ Apple */
- OpenRgn();
- InsetRect( &windowRect, -1, -1 );
- MoveTo( windowRect.left, windowRect.top );
- LineTo( windowRect.left, windowRect.bottom );
- LineTo( windowRect.left+2, windowRect.bottom );
- LineTo( windowRect.left+2, windowRect.bottom+2 );
- LineTo( windowRect.right+2, windowRect.bottom+2 );
- LineTo( windowRect.right+2, windowRect.top+2 );
- LineTo( windowRect.right, windowRect.top+2 );
- LineTo( windowRect.right, windowRect.top );
- LineTo( windowRect.left, windowRect.top );
- CloseRgn( theWindow.strucRgn );
- break;
- default: /* plain box variation (plainDBox) and others */
- InsetRect( &windowRect, -1, -1 );
- RectRgn( theWindow.strucRgn, &windowRect );
- break;
- }
- } /* end of CalculateMyWindow() */
- /*————————————————————
- set up the window
- ————————————————————*/
- SetupWindow( int variation, WindowPtr window, long parameter )
- {
- theWindow.dataHandle = nil;
- theWindow.dataHandle = NewHandle( (long)sizeof( WSDRecord ) );
- wCTHandle = nil; // initialize CTable
- if ( variation == ( documentProc+8 ) || variation == ( noGrowDocProc+8 ) ||
- variation == ( movableDBoxProc+8 ) )
- {
- theWindow.zoomFlag = true;
- if ( theWindow.dataHandle )
- {
- OSErr err;
- SysEnvRec thisWorld;
- Rect thisRect;
- err = SysEnvirons( 1, &thisWorld );
- if ( !err && thisWorld.hasColorQD )
- {
- GDHandle thisDevice;
- thisDevice = GetMainDevice();
- thisRect = (**thisDevice).gdRect;
- thisRect.top += MBarHeight;
- } else
- {
- GrafPtr savePort;
- GrafPort tempPort;
- GetPort( &savePort ); /* finding screenBits w/o globals */
- OpenPort( &tempPort );
- thisRect = tempPort.portRect;
- SetPort( savePort );
- ClosePort( &tempPort );
- thisRect.top += MBarHeight; /* make way for the menubar */
- }
- InsetRect( &thisRect, 4, 4 ); /* make way for edges */
- thisRect.top += 16; /* make way for what's left of title */
- wDataHandle.stdState = thisRect;
- wDataHandle.userState = thisRect;
- }
- } else
- theWindow.zoomFlag = false;
- buttonState = 0;
- } /* end of SetupWindow() */
- /*————————————————————
- kill the window
- ————————————————————*/
- KillWindow( int variation, WindowPtr window, long parameter )
- {
- if ( theWindow.dataHandle )
- {
- if ( wCTHandle )
- {
- DisposeHandle( wCTHandle );
- wCTHandle = nil;
- }
- DisposHandle( theWindow.dataHandle );
- theWindow.dataHandle = nil;
- }
- } /* end of KillWindow() */
- /*————————————————————
- draw the growing outline, the pen is already set
- ————————————————————*/
- GrowMyWindow( int variation, WindowPtr window, long parameter )
- {
- Rect growingRect;
- growingRect = *(RectPtr)parameter;
- growingRect.top -= 20; /* out to full size */
- growingRect.left -= 4;
- growingRect.bottom += 4;
- growingRect.right += 4;
- FrameRect( &growingRect ); /* the frame */
- growingRect.top += 19;
- MoveTo( growingRect.left, growingRect.top ); /* the title bar area */
- LineTo( growingRect.right, growingRect.top );
- MoveTo( growingRect.right - 19, growingRect.top ); /* the scroll area */
- LineTo( growingRect.right - 19, growingRect.bottom );
- MoveTo( growingRect.left, growingRect.bottom - 19 );
- LineTo( growingRect.right, growingRect.bottom - 19 );
- } /* end of GrowMyWindow() */
- /*————————————————————
- draw the size box and the scroll frame
- ————————————————————*/
- DrawMyGrowIcon( int variation, WindowPtr window, long parameter )
- {
- SysEnvRec thisWorld;
- Boolean hasColorQD;
- Rect thisRect;
- RGBColor myRGB;
- RgnHandle saveClip,
- tempRgn;
- SetPort( window );
- if ( !SysEnvirons( 1, &thisWorld ) )
- hasColorQD = thisWorld.hasColorQD;
- else
- hasColorQD = false;
- if ( hasColorQD )
- {
- AuxWinHandle theAuxWin;
- theAuxWin = nil;
- GetAuxWin( window, &theAuxWin );
- if ( theAuxWin )
- {
- /* The code below makes sure the System 7 colors are found even when the window color
- table is defined with only 5 colors! This determines if the Grow Icon will be drawn
- in color or b/w. */
- if ( auxCTable->ctSize < 12 )
- GetAuxWin( nil, &theAuxWin );
- if ( auxCTable->ctSize >= 12 )
- myRGB = auxCTable->ctTable[12].rgb;
- else
- myRGB.red = 0xFFFF; // Don't force b/w if Color cdev not used…
- }
- }
- /*————————————————————
- draw scroll bar frame
- ————————————————————*/
- thisRect = window->portRect;
- thisRect.left = thisRect.right - 15;
- MoveTo( thisRect.left, thisRect.top );
- LineTo( thisRect.left, thisRect.bottom );
- thisRect.top = thisRect.bottom - 15;
- thisRect.left = window->portRect.left;
- MoveTo( thisRect.left, thisRect.top );
- LineTo( thisRect.right, thisRect.top );
- thisRect.left = thisRect.right - 14;
- thisRect.top++;
- EraseRect( &thisRect );
- /*————————————————————
- draw the sizing box
- ————————————————————*/
- saveClip = NewRgn();
- tempRgn = NewRgn();
- GetClip( saveClip );
- if ( hasColorQD && window->portBits.rowBytes < colorWindow ) // Color Window?
- {
- CGrafPtr wPort;
- thisRect = (**theWindow.contRgn).rgnBBox;
- thisRect.left = thisRect.right - 15;
- thisRect.top = thisRect.bottom - 15;
- thisRect.right += 1;
- thisRect.bottom += 1;
- GetCWMgrPort( &wPort );
- SetPort( wPort );
- } else
- {
- thisRect.right += 2;
- thisRect.bottom += 2;
- }
- if ( theWindow.hilited )
- {
- if( hasColorQD )
- {
- GDHandle aDevice;
- aDevice = GetDeviceList();
- do
- {
- if ( TestDeviceAttribute( aDevice, screenDevice ) &&
- TestDeviceAttribute( aDevice, screenActive ) )
- {
- HLockHi( aDevice );
- if ( RectInRgn( &(**aDevice).gdRect, saveClip ) )
- {
- Handle theColors;
- theColors = wCTHandle;
- RectRgn( tempRgn, &(**aDevice).gdRect );
- SectRgn( saveClip, tempRgn, tempRgn );
- SetClip( tempRgn );
- if ( (**(**aDevice).gdPMap).cmpSize >= 2 && (myRGB.red+myRGB.green))
- PlotCICN( thisRect,
- "\xEA\xAA\xAA\xA8\x95\x41\x55\x48"
- "\x95\x4A\x55\x48\x95\x4A\x01\x48"
- "\x95\x4A\x2A\x48\x80\x1A\x2A\x48"
- "\x8A\xAA\x2A\x48\x9A\xAA\x2A\x48"
- "\x95\x55\x2A\x48\x94\x00\x6A\x48"
- "\x94\xAA\xAA\x48\x95\xAA\xAA\x48"
- "\x95\x55\x55\x48\x80\x00\x00\x18"
- "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xF8\x00\x00\x00\x00",
- (**(**aDevice).gdPMap).cmpSize >2 ? theColors : nil ); // The Color Grow Icon!
- else
- PlotSICN( thisRect,
- "\xFF\xFC\xD1\x52\xAB\xA8\xD3\x12"
- "\xAB\x78\x83\x72\xBF\x78\xFF\x72"
- "\xAA\x78\xC0\x72\xAF\xF8\xDF\xF2"
- "\xAA\xA8\x80\x02\xFF\xFE\x00\x00"
- ); // The b/w Grow Icon!
- }
- HUnlock( aDevice );
- }
- } while ( aDevice = GetNextDevice( aDevice ) );
- } else
- PlotSICN( thisRect,
- "\xFF\xFC\xD1\x52\xAB\xA8\xD3\x12"
- "\xAB\x78\x83\x72\xBF\x78\xFF\x72"
- "\xAA\x78\xC0\x72\xAF\xF8\xDF\xF2"
- "\xAA\xA8\x80\x02\xFF\xFE\x00\x00"
- ); // The b/w Grow Icon Again!
- }
- SetClip( saveClip );
- DisposeRgn( saveClip );
- DisposeRgn( tempRgn );
- SetPort( window );
- } /* end of DrawMyGrowIcon() */
- /*————————————————————
- draw the frame w/ color shadowing.
- ————————————————————*/
- DrawFrame( PatsPtr pat, Rect frame, int width, int drawColor )
- {
- frame.right -= 2;
- frame.bottom -= 2;
- PenSize( width, width );
- if ( drawColor )
- RGBForeColor( drawColor - 1 ? &pat->cFrameL : &pat->cLight );
- else
- PenPat( &pat->white );
- FrameRect( &frame );
- OffsetRect( &frame, 2, 2 );
- if ( drawColor )
- RGBForeColor( drawColor - 1 ? &pat->cFrameD : &pat->cDark );
- else
- PenPat( &pat->black );
- FrameRect( &frame );
- OffsetRect( &frame, -1, -1 );
- if ( drawColor )
- RGBForeColor( &pat->cGray );
- else
- PenPat( &pat->gray );
- FrameRect( &frame );
- } /* end of DrawFrame() */
- /*————————————————————
- draw an empty pane w/ shadowing
- ————————————————————*/
- DrawPane( PatsPtr pat, Rect thisRect, int drawColor )
- {
- /* fill the area with white */
- if ( drawColor )
- {
- RGBForeColor( &pat->cTitle );
- PenPat( &pat->black );
- } else
- PenPat( &pat->white );
- PaintRect( &thisRect );
- /* add the bottom shadow */
- PenSize( 1, 1 );
- if ( drawColor )
- RGBForeColor( drawColor - 1 ? &pat->cFrameL : &pat->cLight );
- else
- PenPat( &pat->black );
- MoveTo( thisRect.left+1, thisRect.bottom-1 );
- LineTo( thisRect.right-1, thisRect.bottom-1 );
- LineTo( thisRect.right-1, thisRect.top+1 );
- /* add the top shadow */
- if ( drawColor )
- RGBForeColor( drawColor - 1 ? &pat->cFrameD : &pat->cDark );
- MoveTo( thisRect.left, thisRect.bottom-1 );
- LineTo( thisRect.left, thisRect.top );
- LineTo( thisRect.right-1, thisRect.top );
- } /* end of DrawPane() */
- /*————————————————————
- draw the title into the pane.
- ————————————————————*/
- DrawWindowTitle( WindowPtr window, Rect titleRect, PatsPtr pat, Boolean hilited, int drawColor )
- {
- int saveFont,
- saveSize;
- Style saveFace;
- Str255 windowTitle;
- int titleWidth;
- GrafPtr wPort;
- GetPort( &wPort );
- saveFont = wPort->txFont;
- saveSize = wPort->txSize;
- saveFace = wPort->txFace;
- TextFont( geneva );
- TextSize( 9 );
- TextFace( plain );
- GetWTitle( window, windowTitle );
- titleWidth = StringWidth( windowTitle );
- if ( titleWidth > 0 )
- {
- RgnHandle saveClip,
- myClip;
- titleWidth += 12; /* enough for edges */
- if ( (titleRect.right - titleRect.left) > titleWidth )
- titleRect.right = titleRect.left + titleWidth;
- if ( hilited ) DrawPane( pat, titleRect, drawColor );
- /* now shrink the box & set the clip region in case of a long title */
- saveClip = NewRgn();
- myClip = NewRgn();
- GetClip( saveClip );
- InsetRect( &titleRect, 1, 1 );
- RectRgn( myClip, &titleRect );
- SectRgn( saveClip, myClip, myClip );
- SetClip( myClip );
- /* now position ourselves & draw the title */
- PenPat( &pat->black );
- if ( drawColor )
- {
- if ( hilited )
- {
- RGBForeColor( &pat->cText );
- RGBBackColor( &pat->cTitle );
- } else
- {
- RGBForeColor( &pat->cWhite );
- RGBBackColor( &pat->cGray );
- }
- }
- MoveTo( titleRect.left + 5, titleRect.bottom - 2 );
- DrawString( windowTitle );
- SetClip( saveClip );
- DisposeRgn( saveClip );
- DisposeRgn( myClip );
- } /* enough of a title to go with */
- TextFont( saveFont );
- TextSize( saveSize );
- TextFace( saveFace );
- } /* end of DrawWindowTitle() */
- /*————————————————————
- animate the close icon.
- ————————————————————*/
- DrawGoAway( Rect frame, Boolean hilited, int drawColor, Handle theColors )
- {
- if ( hilited )
- {
- if ( drawColor )
- PlotCICN( frame,
- "\xBF\xFF\xFF\xF9\xEA\xAA\xAA\xAD\xE5\x55\x55\x4D\xE5\x55\x55\x4D"
- "\xE5\x55\x55\x4D\xE5\x55\x55\x4D\xE5\x00\x00\x4D\xE4\x55\x56\x4D"
- "\xE4\x55\x56\x4D\xE4\x55\x56\x4D\xE4\x55\x56\x4D\xE4\xAA\xAA\x4D"
- "\xE5\x55\x55\x4D\xE0\x00\x00\x1D\xBF\xFF\xFF\xF9\x55\x55\x55\x55",
- drawColor -1 ? theColors : nil ); // goAwayDown
- else
- PlotSICN( frame,
- "\xFF\xFE\xFF\xFF\xEA\xAA\xD5\x53\xEA\xAA\xD5\x53\xE0\x0A\xC5\x53"
- "\xEA\xBA\xC5\x53\xEA\xBA\xDF\xF3\xEA\xAA\xC0\x03\xFF\xFE\x55\x55"
- ); // goAwayDown (b/w)
- } else
- {
- if ( drawColor )
- PlotCICN( frame,
- "\xBF\xFF\xFF\xF9\xD0\x00\x00\x0D\xC5\x55\x55\x6D\xC5\x55\x55\x6D"
- "\xC5\x55\x55\x6D\xC5\x55\x55\x6D\xC5\x00\x00\x6D\xC4\x55\x56\x6D"
- "\xC4\x55\x56\x6D\xC4\x55\x56\x6D\xC4\x55\x56\x6D\xC4\xAA\xAA\x6D"
- "\xC5\x55\x55\x6D\xCA\xAA\xAA\xAD\xBF\xFF\xFF\xF9\x55\x55\x55\x55",
- drawColor -1 ? theColors : nil ); // goAwayUp
- else
- PlotSICN( frame,
- "\xFF\xFE\x80\x03\xAA\xAE\x95\x57\xAA\xAE\x95\x57\xA0\x0E\x85\x57"
- "\xAA\xBE\x85\x57\xAA\xBE\x8F\xF7\xAA\xAE\xBF\xFF\xFF\xFE\x55\x55"
- ); // goAwayUp (b/w)
- }
- } /* end of DrawGoAway() */
- /*————————————————————
- animate the zoom icon.
- ————————————————————*/
- DrawZoom( Rect frame, Boolean hilited, int drawColor, Handle theColors )
- {
- if ( hilited )
- {
- if ( drawColor )
- PlotCICN( frame,
- "\xBF\xFF\xFF\xF9\xEA\xAA\xAA\xAD\xE5\x55\x55\x4D\xE5\x00\x00\x4D"
- "\xE4\x55\x56\x4D\xE4\x55\x56\x4D\xE4\x55\x56\x4D\xE4\x55\x56\x4D"
- "\xE4\x55\x56\x4D\xE4\x55\x56\x4D\xE4\x55\x56\x4D\xE4\xAA\xAA\x4D"
- "\xE5\x55\x55\x4D\xE0\x00\x00\x1D\xBF\xFF\xFF\xF9\x55\x55\x55\x55",
- drawColor -1 ? theColors : nil ); // zoomDown
- else
- PlotSICN( frame,
- "\xFF\xFE\xFF\xFF\xEA\xAA\xC0\x03\xEA\xBA\xC5\x53\xEA\xBA\xC5\x53"
- "\xEA\xBA\xC5\x53\xEA\xBA\xCF\xF3\xEA\xAA\xC0\x03\xFF\xFE\x55\x55"
- ); // zoomDown (b/w)
- } else
- {
- if ( drawColor )
- PlotCICN( frame,
- "\xBF\xFF\xFF\xF9\xD0\x00\x00\x0D\xC5\x55\x55\x6D\xC5\x00\x00\x6D"
- "\xC4\x55\x56\x6D\xC4\x55\x56\x6D\xC4\x55\x56\x6D\xC4\x55\x56\x6D"
- "\xC4\x55\x56\x6D\xC4\x55\x56\x6D\xC4\x55\x56\x6D\xC4\xAA\xAA\x6D"
- "\xC5\x55\x55\x6D\xCA\xAA\xAA\xAD\xBF\xFF\xFF\xF9\x55\x55\x55\x55",
- drawColor -1 ? theColors : nil ); // zoomUp
- else
- PlotSICN( frame,
- "\xFF\xFE\x80\x07\xAA\xAE\x80\x17\xAA\xBE\x85\x57\xAA\xBE\x85\x57"
- "\xAA\xBE\x85\x57\xAA\xBE\x9F\xF7\xAA\xAE\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFE\x55\x55"
- );
- }
- } /* end of DrawZoom() */
- /*————————————————————
- draw the specified item
- ————————————————————*/
- DrawOnce( long param, int var, WindowPtr window, Rect windowRect, PatsPtr pat, int drawColor )
- {
- Rect thisRect;
- Handle theColors;
- theColors = wCTHandle;
- switch ( (int)param )
- {
- case ( wNoHit ):
- thisRect = windowRect;
- PenNormal();
- /* ——————————————————————————————————————— now for the more specific parts */
- switch ( var & 7 )
- {
- case ( documentProc ): /* a regular window */
- case ( noGrowDocProc ): /* a regular window with no grow box */
- case ( movableDBoxProc ): /* a non-modal dialog */
- DrawFrame( pat, thisRect, 2, drawColor );
- InsetRect( &thisRect, 1, 1 );
- thisRect.bottom = thisRect.top + 19;
- if ( drawColor )
- {
- PenPat( &pat->black );
- RGBForeColor( &pat->cGray );
- } else
- PenPat( &pat->gray );
- PaintRect( &thisRect );
- PenPat( &pat->black );
- if ( drawColor )
- RGBForeColor( drawColor - 1 ? &pat->cFrameD : &pat->cDark );
- PenSize( 1, 1 );
- MoveTo( windowRect.left+3, windowRect.top+19 );
- LineTo( windowRect.right-4, windowRect.top+19 );
- if ( theWindow.hilited )
- {
- /* ——————————————————————————————— the goaway box */
- if ( theWindow.goAwayFlag && (var & 7) != movableDBoxProc )
- {
- SetRect( &thisRect,
- windowRect.left + 3,
- windowRect.top + 3,
- windowRect.left + 19,
- windowRect.top + 19
- );
- DrawPane( pat, thisRect, drawColor );
- DrawGoAway( thisRect, false, drawColor, theColors );
- }
- /* ——————————————————————————————— the zoom box */
- if ( theWindow.zoomFlag )
- {
- SetRect( &thisRect,
- windowRect.right - 19,
- windowRect.top + 3,
- windowRect.right - 3,
- windowRect.top + 19
- );
- DrawPane( pat, thisRect, drawColor );
- DrawZoom( thisRect, false, drawColor, theColors );
- }
- /* ——————————————————————————————— the title */
- SetRect( &thisRect,
- windowRect.left + 20,
- windowRect.top + 3,
- windowRect.right - (( theWindow.zoomFlag ) ? 21 : 3),
- windowRect.top + 17
- );
- PenSize( 1, 1 );
- if ( thisRect.right - thisRect.left > 0 )
- DrawWindowTitle( window, thisRect, pat, true, drawColor );
- } else
- {
- /* ——————————————————————————————— the blank title bar */
- if ( !drawColor )
- {
- thisRect.top += 2;
- thisRect.left += 2;
- thisRect.bottom = thisRect.top + 14;
- thisRect.right -=2;
- DrawPane( pat, thisRect, drawColor );
- }
- /* ——————————————————————————————— the title */
- SetRect( &thisRect,
- windowRect.left + 20,
- windowRect.top + 3,
- windowRect.right - 19,
- windowRect.top + 17
- );
- DrawWindowTitle( window, thisRect, pat, false, drawColor );
- }
- break;
- case ( dBoxProc ): /* dialog box variation */
- DrawFrame( pat, thisRect, 4, drawColor );
- thisRect.right -= 2;
- thisRect.bottom -= 2;
- OffsetRect( &thisRect, 1, 1 );
- InsetRect( &thisRect, 5, 5 );
- PenSize( 2, 2 );
- if ( drawColor )
- {
- PenPat( &pat->black );
- RGBForeColor( drawColor - 1 ? &pat->cFrameL : &pat->cLight );
- } else
- PenPat( &pat->white );
- FrameRect( &thisRect );
- break;
- case ( altDBoxProc ): /* shadow box variation */
- case ( altDBoxProc + 4 ): /* remain consistant w/ Apple */
- thisRect.right -= 2;
- thisRect.bottom -= 2;
- FrameRect( &thisRect );
- PenSize( 2, 2 );
- if ( drawColor )
- RGBForeColor( &pat->cGray );
- MoveTo( thisRect.left + 2, thisRect.bottom );
- LineTo( thisRect.right, thisRect.bottom );
- LineTo( thisRect.right, thisRect.top + 2 );
- break;
- default: /* plain box variation (plainDBox) and others */
- PenPat( &pat->black );
- FrameRect( &thisRect );
- break;
- }
- break;
- case ( wInGoAway ):
- SetRect( &thisRect, /* just toggle the goAway */
- windowRect.left + 3,
- windowRect.top + 3,
- windowRect.left + 19,
- windowRect.top + 19
- );
- buttonState = !buttonState;
- DrawGoAway( thisRect, buttonState, drawColor, theColors );
- break;
- case ( wInZoomIn ):
- case ( wInZoomOut ):
- SetRect( &thisRect, /* just toggle the zoomBox */
- windowRect.right - 19,
- windowRect.top + 3,
- windowRect.right - 3,
- windowRect.top + 19
- );
- buttonState = !buttonState;
- DrawZoom( thisRect, buttonState, drawColor, theColors );
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- } /* end of DrawOnce() */
- /*————————————————————
- drawing my window
- ————————————————————*/
- DrawMyWindow( int var, WindowPtr window, long param )
- {
- SysEnvRec thisWorld;
- CGrafPtr wPort,
- savePort;
- Boolean hasColorQD;
- PenState savePen;
- RGBColor savePnClr,
- saveBkClr;
- PixPatHandle savePnPat,
- saveBkPat,
- saveFillPat;
- PatsRec patStore;
- PatsPtr pat;
- Rect windowRect;
- savePnPat = nil;
- if ( !theWindow.visible ) return;
- pat = &patStore;
- if ( !SysEnvirons( 1, &thisWorld ) )
- hasColorQD = thisWorld.hasColorQD;
- else
- hasColorQD = false;
- if ( hasColorQD )
- {
- AuxWinHandle theAuxWin;
- theAuxWin = nil;
- GetPort( &savePort );
- GetCWMgrPort( &wPort );
- SetPort( wPort );
- savePnPat = NewPixPat();
- saveBkPat = NewPixPat();
- saveFillPat = NewPixPat();
- CopyPixPat( wPort->pnPixPat, savePnPat );
- CopyPixPat( wPort->bkPixPat, saveBkPat );
- CopyPixPat( wPort->fillPixPat, saveFillPat );
- GetForeColor( &savePnClr );
- GetBackColor( &saveBkClr );
- pat->cBlack = PackGray( 0 );
- pat->cDark = PackGray( 0x4000 );
- pat->cGray = PackGray( 0x8000 );
- pat->cLight = PackGray( 0xC000 );
- pat->cWhite = PackGray( 0xFFFF );
- pat->cFrameL = pat->cLight;
- pat->cFrameD = pat->cDark;
- GetAuxWin( window, &theAuxWin );
- if ( theAuxWin )
- {
- HLockHi( (*theAuxWin)->awCTable );
- pat->cText = auxCTable->ctTable[2].rgb;
- pat->cTitle = auxCTable->ctTable[4].rgb;
- /* The code below makes sure the System 7 colors are found even when the window color
- table is defined with only 5 colors! This defines the outline colors of the
- frame and buttons. */
- if ( auxCTable->ctSize < 12 )
- GetAuxWin( nil, &theAuxWin );
- if ( auxCTable->ctSize >= 12 )
- {
- if ( auxCTable->ctTable[12].rgb.red + auxCTable->ctTable[12].rgb.green )
- {
- if ( !wCTHandle ) // Do the CTable now, if not already done!
- { // We only use a ColorTable if System 7
- Handle theColors;
- theColors = nil;
- theColors = NewHandle( 40 ); // theColorTable!
- if ( theColors )
- {
- int i;
- HLock( theColors );
- (*(CTabHandle)theColors)->ctSeed = GetCTSeed(); // Unique Seed
- (*(CTabHandle)theColors)->ctFlags = 0; // Empty for CTables
- (*(CTabHandle)theColors)->ctSize = 3; // 4 Colors
- for ( i=0; i<=3; i++ ) // Colors in sequence
- (*(CTabHandle)theColors)->ctTable[i].value = i;
- (*(CTabHandle)theColors)->ctTable[1].rgb = pat->cGray;
- (*(CTabHandle)theColors)->ctTable[3].rgb = pat->cBlack;
- HUnlock( theColors );
- wCTHandle = theColors;
- }
- }
- if( (auxCTable->ctTable[12].rgb.red &
- auxCTable->ctTable[12].rgb.green &
- auxCTable->ctTable[12].rgb.blue) != 0x3333 ) // disable Color Table if gray.
- {
- pat->cFrameL = auxCTable->ctTable[11].rgb;
- pat->cFrameD = auxCTable->ctTable[12].rgb;
- }
- if ( wCTHandle ) // update Icon colors for Sys 7
- {
- (*(CTabHandle)(wCTHandle))->ctTable[0].rgb = pat->cFrameL;
- (*(CTabHandle)(wCTHandle))->ctTable[2].rgb = pat->cFrameD;
- if ( !(pat->cText.red + pat->cText.green + pat->cText.blue) )
- pat->cText = pat->cFrameD;
- }
- } else
- hasColorQD=false;
- }
- HUnlock( (*theAuxWin)->awCTable );
- } else
- {
- pat->cText = pat->cBlack;
- pat->cTitle = pat->cWhite;
- }
- }
- windowRect = (**theWindow.strucRgn).rgnBBox;
- /* Align the pattern to the position of the window to prevent shifting durring a drag. */
- pat->gray[0] = pat->gray[1] = (windowRect.left^windowRect.top) & 0x0001
- ?gray1Hex
- :gray2Hex;
- pat->black[0] = pat->black[1] = blackHex;
- pat->white[0] = pat->white[1] = whiteHex;
- GetPenState( &savePen );
- if ( hasColorQD )
- {
- RgnHandle saveClip,
- tempRgn;
- GDHandle aDevice;
- saveClip = NewRgn();
- tempRgn = NewRgn();
- GetClip( saveClip );
- aDevice = GetDeviceList();
- do
- {
- if ( TestDeviceAttribute( aDevice, screenDevice ) &&
- TestDeviceAttribute( aDevice, screenActive ) )
- {
- HLockHi( aDevice );
- if ( RectInRgn( &(**aDevice).gdRect, saveClip ) )
- {
- RectRgn( tempRgn, &(**aDevice).gdRect );
- SectRgn( saveClip, tempRgn, tempRgn );
- SetClip( tempRgn );
- DrawOnce( param, var, window, windowRect, pat,
- ((**(**aDevice).gdPMap).cmpSize - 1 ));
- }
- HUnlock( aDevice);
- }
- } while ( (aDevice = GetNextDevice( aDevice )) != nil );
- SetClip( saveClip );
- DisposeRgn( saveClip );
- DisposeRgn( tempRgn );
- } else
- DrawOnce( param, var, window, windowRect, pat, false );
- SetPenState( &savePen );
- if ( savePnPat ) // Since hasColorQD may have changed, we check for presence of Handle.
- {
- RGBForeColor( &savePnClr );
- RGBBackColor( &saveBkClr );
- CopyPixPat( savePnPat, wPort->pnPixPat );
- CopyPixPat( saveBkPat, wPort->bkPixPat );
- CopyPixPat( saveFillPat, wPort->fillPixPat );
- DisposPixPat( savePnPat );
- DisposPixPat( saveBkPat );
- DisposPixPat( saveFillPat );
- SetPort( savePort );
- }
- } /* end of DrawMyWindow() */
- /*————————————————————
- draw a black and white Icon!
- ————————————————————*/
- PlotSICN( Rect theRect, Ptr theSICN )
- {
- BitMap srcBits; /* built up around 'SICN' data so we can _CopyBits */
- GrafPtr wPort;
- GetPort( &wPort );
- /* set up the small icon's bitmap */
- srcBits.baseAddr = theSICN;
- srcBits.rowBytes = 2;
- SetRect( &srcBits.bounds, 0, 0, 16, 16 );
- /* draw the small icon in the current grafport */
- CopyBits( &srcBits,&wPort->portBits,&srcBits.bounds,&theRect,srcCopy,nil );
- } /* end of PlotSICN() */
- /*————————————————————
- draw a color icon!
- ————————————————————*/
- PlotCICN( Rect theRect, Ptr theCICN, Handle theColors )
- {
- PixMap srcBits; // built up around 'CICN' data so we can _CopyBits
- CGrafPtr wPort;
- RGBColor savePnClr,
- saveBkClr,
- myRGB;
- GetForeColor( &savePnClr );
- myRGB = PackGray( 0x0000 );
- RGBForeColor( &myRGB ); // Black
- GetBackColor( &saveBkClr );
- myRGB = PackGray( 0xFFFF );
- RGBBackColor( &myRGB ); // White
- GetPort( &wPort );
- srcBits.baseAddr = theCICN;
- srcBits.rowBytes = 0x8004; // bit 15 indicates PixMap
- SetRect( &srcBits.bounds, 0, 0, 16, 16 );
- srcBits.pmVersion = srcBits.packType = srcBits.pixelType = 0;
- srcBits.packSize = srcBits.planeBytes = srcBits.pmReserved = 0L;
- srcBits.hRes = srcBits.vRes = 72;
- srcBits.pixelSize = srcBits.cmpSize = 2;
- srcBits.cmpCount = 1;
- srcBits.pmTable = (CTabHandle)theColors; // nil if not created
- // draw the color icon in the current grafport
- CopyBits( &srcBits,*wPort->portPixMap,&srcBits.bounds,&theRect,srcCopy,nil );
- RGBForeColor( &savePnClr );
- RGBBackColor( &saveBkClr );
- } /* end of PlotCICN() */
- /*————————————————————
- CopyRight Notice
- ————————————————————*/
- CopyRight()
- {
- /* The Following Copyright Notice Is Not To Be Removed! Use Of This Code In Commercial
- Software Will Be By License Only. Contact Anthony D. Saxton, Of Elenay™ Creations
- For Licensing Information. Use Of This Code In FreeWare, Requires Only Contact Of
- Elenay™ Creations. This Copyright Applies To All Code Segments Of This WDEF. */
- Str63 Copyright = "Copyright©1993–Elenay™Creations,702/453–0270,"
- "All Rights Reserved";
- }